Three PhD Studentships Available!

The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London has three fully-funded studentships for exceptional PhD applicants to join our school. Applications will be considered in any area of Electronic Engineering and/or Computer Science matching our research interests. For general information on research in EECS and our research groups, see, and for a list of potential research projects see Applicants may also propose their own topics, but they must be able to find a suitable supervisor who is willing to supervise the project. Prospective applicants are advised to contact potential supervisors to discuss project ideas and to ascertain whether the supervisor is eligible for one of these studentships.

Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for these studentships, which are planned to start in Autumn 2017. The studentship is for three years, and covers tuition fees as well as a tax-free stipend starting at £16,553 per annum.

Candidates must have a first-class honours degree or equivalent, and/or a good MSc degree in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, or a related discipline. Experience in research and a track record of publications are advantageous but not a strict requirement.

The project will be based in the School of EECS, and the student will join a group of over 300 full-time PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and academics in EECS. For general enquiries contact Dr Yi-Zhe Song (academic enquiries).

To apply for one of these studentships, please follow the on-line process at; click on the list of Research Degree Subjects, select ‘Electronic Engineering’ or ‘Computer Science’ in the ‘A-Z list of research opportunities’, and follow the instructions on the right-hand side of the web page. If you have a particular supervisor in mind, make sure that you indicate this person on the application form.

In your ‘Research Proposal’ you should describe the topic or topics that you are interested in researching (preferably after discussing these with potential supervisors), and answer the two questions: (i) Why are you interested in the proposed area? (ii) What is your experience in the proposed area? Your statement should be brief: no more than 500 words or one side of A4 paper. In addition we would also like you to send a sample of your written work (e.g. an excerpt from your final year dissertation or a published academic paper). More details on the application process can be found at:

The closing date for applications is 28/4/2017.